Playing by the Rules – Tips for Healthy Brands and Healthy Living

Regular readers know I’m doing 50 healthy things this year in honor of my 50th birthday. Here’s number 47: following the rules.

When I started the quest to make this my healthiest year, I wasn’t really sure what path I would take. I had a few ideas, but I also felt I needed some structure.

Thankfully, my friend, Heather Welch Westfall, started a lifestyle challenge group that gave me exactly what I was looking for. The challenge rewarded participants for various behaviors. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Drinking water – half your body weight (in ounces) each day
  • Eating at least five fruits and vegetables each day
  • Walking at least 5,000 steps each day
  • Exercising five times per week
  • Eating sugar no more than twice per week
  • No snacking after dinner

Each week, Heather added some additional “fun” activities like trying a new food or doing an activity with family or friends.

I really try to incorporate these rules into my everyday routine. For me, the accountability of checking these items off my list is very effective. I will admit I’ve fallen off the wagon quite a bit during the past couple of weeks. I look forward to getting back on track as the holidays wind down.

What rules do you follow to stay healthy and fit?

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