Five Tips To Maximize Organic Traffic to Your Cardiovascular Marketing Website

April 10, 2012

Increasing website visibility in organic search results is increasingly critical for patient acquisition.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for smart PPC campaigns. However, research has shown the vast majority of Internet users click on organic search results before they click on a sponsored link. We recommend our clients optimize their sites for organic search first and then allocate appropriate budget dollars for paid search.

I recently saw a great post with 5 tips to consider for boosting website traffic:

Use online press releases to generate buzz.

  • Post a link to your release on targeted social media sites, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn groups and relevant blogs.
  • Investigate free distribution services such as and

Develop an inbound link strategy.

  • Display a list of reciprocal links to industry sites, health information sites and relevant blogs.
  • Contact these sites to see if they’d be willing to swap links with you—a link to your site for a link to theirs

Contribute to high-quality content directories that will link back to your site.

  • Upload relevant editorial to directories such as, and There are also many more niche directories that focus on health topics.
  • This is a great way to repurpose newsletter copy, for example, and establish an inbound link to your site.
  • There is also a syndication opportunity, as third-party sites may come across your article when doing a Web search and republish your content on their own websites. “

Incorporate your 
 your top 10 to 15 keywords and variations of those words into the copy on your site.

  • Search engines crawl Web pages from top to bottom, so your strongest keywords should be at the top with the least relevant at the bottom on both homepages and sub-pages.
  • Include key words in your title tags (the descriptions at the top of each page) and meta tags. Your alt tags/alt attributions (images) should have relevant descriptions, as well (Your web partner or internal IT resource should be able to help with this).

List your site in online directories by related category or region.

  • More prospects searching specifically for heart-related will find you.
  • Some directories have a nominal fee. But there are many other directories and classified sites that are free and can be targeted by location and product type.

If you decided to implement any of these strategies, remember to monitor results over time through Google Analytics or whatever you use to measure site traffic. Results of organic search initiatives can take time to fully play out, but watching monthly numbers over the course of several months should show progress.


Three Metrics You Should Consider To Increase Your Cardiovascular Marketing Facebook Results

January 23, 2012

Three game-changing metrics can help you improve your Facebook performance.

Achieving business results with social media can be a dicey topic. Facebook’s newly revamped Facebook Insights analytics tool gives page owners a staggering amount of information about fans, but who has time to sift through all of the data to find truly actionable items?

Facebook marketing guru Amy Porterfield says paying attention to these three key metrics is a good start:

1.    Track ”People Talking About This”

People Talking About This is a new metric for Facebook Pages. It’s also the only one visible to the public, unlike other measurements on your dashboard.

It shows the total number of people who have engaged with your Page in any way over the past week— by Liking it, commenting on or sharing a post, answering a question, tagging your Page, or responding to an event. The Facebook Insights dashboard also shows a percentage increase or decrease from week to week.

People Talking About This seems to be a good measure of overall engagement, still the holy grail of social media metrics.

Porterfield reminds us that the best way to increase engagement is to ask. Ask questions vs. crafting static posts, and give your audiences mini calls-to-action, e.g., “If you found this tip useful, share it with your friends.”

A great tip: Never let a post go unattended. When someone does comment, Like or share your post, reach out personally to acknowledge the action with a thank you, or use it as an opportunity to expand the conversation. But whatever you do, don’t leave fans hanging.

2.    Track “Engaged Users”

On the Insights dashboard, there’s a chart in the Page Post Information area with a column called “Engaged Users.” It shows the number of unique people who have clicked anywhere on that post. (Note: Insights only tracks this for 28 days.)

Hint: If you click on the number itself, you’ll also see a pie chart with types of clicks, including “other,” which counts the clicks not included in any other metric (clicking on someone’s name, for example). This shows you how many people are really paying attention, even if they don’t comment or click Like.

Your goal should be to steadily increase clicks on your posts over time. If that’s not happening, you may need to think about how to create more targeted posts that address the relevant information your target audience wants, and focus on challenges you can solve for them.

3.    Track “External Referrers”

By clicking on Reach (under Insights in your sidebar) and scrolling down to find “External Referrers, ” you can find out how many times people arrived on your Facebook Page from an external site during a selected date range.

In order to drive more traffic to Facebook, start by determining where your current referrals are coming from. Then, Porterfield suggests asking the following questions:

Am I optimizing my Facebook Page so that when Google indexes Facebook, users find my Page too?

Including keyword-rich information on your “Info Tab” can help users find you easily.

Am I doing enough outside of my website and Page to bring traffic in?

Guest blogs from popular bloggers, webinars, online chats, and interviews with experts are all good strategies to drive traffic to your page.

Does my website account for some of my referrals?

If not, your website might need some updates. For example, add a Like box social plugin, include share buttons, and display your social icons in a visible place on every page.

Are you using Facebook Insights yet? What metrics do you find most valuable? What else are you doing to show effectiveness in the social media arena? Please share.
